Vendor lock-in & digital glebe

My value proposition is that there is no vendor lock-in.

What’s vendor lock-in?

“Vendor lock-in, also known as proprietary lock-in or customer lock-in, makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products, unable to use another vendor without substantial switching costs.”1

I don’t do that.

My aim is to transfer my know-how to you, or members of your organisation, so you don’t become tethered to me or other digital vendors. I don’t want to lock you in.

Most digital technology agencies I see, nudge their clients to adopt tools which not only lock them in with them (the agency), but also with the provider of the tool.

I sometimes use the term digital glebes to name digital territories where users have dwindling agency.2

  1. Wikipedia↩︎

  2. Term coined by Cédric Durand; originally glèbes numériques. I discuss this term further on↩︎